Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract Example

Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract Example: A Comprehensive Guide

A fixed price incentive fee (FPIF) contract is a popular type of contract used in various industries, including construction, manufacturing, and services. In this type of contract, the contractor and the client agree on a fixed price for the project, with an added incentive fee for the contractor if they exceed the agreed-upon performance targets. In this article, we will explore an example of a fixed price incentive fee contract and its essential components.

Contract Overview

ABC Construction Company has entered into a fixed price incentive fee contract with XYZ Corporation to build a new office building. The contract`s agreed price is $10 million, and the agreed duration for the project is 18 months. The contract includes a $500,000 incentive fee for ABC Construction Company if they complete the project within 16 months and meet all the client`s performance targets.

Scope of Work

The scope of work defines the project`s specific tasks, timelines, and deliverables. In this example, ABC Construction Company will provide all the necessary materials, equipment, and labor to build the new office building. The scope of work also includes the following:

– Detailed project plans and schedules, including timelines for various phases of the project, such as site preparation, foundation work, framing, electrical, plumbing, and finishing.

– Quality and safety standards, including adherence to relevant building codes, regulations, and industry best practices.

– Performance targets, such as completing certain milestones within specific timelines, maintaining a specific level of quality assurance, and adhering to the budget.

Payment Terms

The payment terms outline the payment schedule for the project and any additional payment terms. In this example, ABC Construction Company will receive payment based on milestones achieved during the project. The payment schedule includes the following:

– 20% of the total contract amount ($2 million) upon signing the contract.

– 30% of the total contract amount ($3 million) upon completing 50% of the project.

– 20% of the total contract amount ($2 million) upon completing 75% of the project.

– 20% of the total contract amount ($2 million) upon completing 100% of the project.

– The remaining 10% of the total contract amount ($1 million) upon satisfactory completion of the project and meeting all performance targets.

Incentive Fee

The incentive fee is an additional payment to the contractor if they meet or exceed the performance targets outlined in the contract. In this example, ABC Construction Company will receive a $500,000 incentive fee if they complete the project within 16 months and meet all the client`s performance targets. The performance targets include the following:

– Completing the project within 16 months.

– Maintaining a specific level of quality assurance.

– Adhering to the budget.

– Meeting all safety and environmental standards.

Termination Clause

The termination clause outlines the conditions under which the contract can be terminated by either party. In this example, either party can terminate the contract if the other party breaches any material term of the agreement or fails to meet any performance targets and does not cure such breach within a specified period. The termination clause also includes provisions for the contractor to receive payment for any work completed before the contract`s termination.


A fixed price incentive fee contract is a useful tool to ensure that the contractor and the client are aligned in achieving the project`s objectives. By providing a financial incentive for the contractor to meet or exceed performance targets, the incentive fee contract offers a win-win scenario for both parties. Understanding the crucial components of a fixed price incentive fee contract can help both contractors and clients negotiate and execute successful projects.

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